On Thursday the 4th July 2024 we held a webinar hosted in Vienna to introduce people to Hansalim and to hear also from a cooperative in Vienna called Morgenrot which is setting out on its own journey inspired by the example of Hansalim. We gathered over 40 people from across Europe for a 2 hour session with talks by Ok-ja Kwon (president of the Hansalim Federation), Dr Miseong Cho (research director of Hansalim’s Mosim and Salim Research Institute), Dr Jonathan Dolley (Research Fellow at the University of Sussex) and Martin Gerstl (founding member of Morgenrot).

The first presentation was given by Ok-ja Kwon, the current president and chair of directors of the Hansalim Federation. She gave us a brief history of Hansalim, what it stands for and what it means to her.

Dr Miseong Cho gave the second talk about how the Hansalim Movement has enabled transformative learning among its members.

This was followed by a presentation by Dr Jonathan Dolley examining the significance of Hansalim as a multi-stakeholder cooperative in the context New Cooperativism.

Finally, Martin Gerstl, one of the founders of the Morgenrot cooperative described their collaborations with other food system and public sector actors to create new distribution systems that work for a local decentralised food system based around cooperation.